Die Töchter Lucifers [collection] : Zauberspiel in 5 Abtheilungen und 12 Tableaux / von W. Friedrich ; Musik von Eduard Stiegmann. ca. 1857.


Die Töchter Lucifers [collection] : Zauberspiel in 5 Abtheilungen und 12 Tableaux / von W. Friedrich ; Musik von Eduard Stiegmann. ca. 1857.

Arranged in three groups: I. Vocal parts (8). II. Librettos (2). III. Dialogue parts (32). Production materials in German for "Die Töchter Lucifers," also known as "500,000 Teufel!" and "Lucifers Töchter." Vocal parts are manuscript. Both librettos are published, one by Verlags-Comptoir (Hamburg, 1857), the other of unknown provenance, which is hand-annotated as a promptbook. Dialogue parts are also manuscript and occur as two sets, one of which is for a three-act version of "500,000 Teufel!" by E. Jacobson and C. Thalberg.

42 items.

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Thalburg, C., d. 1865.

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6fb8q8m (person)

Friedrich, W., ca. 1820-1879.

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w65d8tbz (person)

Stiegmann, Eduard, 1810-1880

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6t765fv (person)

Jacobson, Eduard, 1833-1897

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w68c9zht (person)